Sunday, October 17, 2010

Babes of Comics

I was always inspired by the women in comic books, strong, smart and extremely beautiful, these women may look pretty but they could rip in half in a second. These are just some hand drawn images of some women in comics.
Red Sonja

Silk Specture

Wonder Woman

Newest Pictures

These are some of my recent pictures I've hand drawn myself, you can see the difference in these over the earlier pieces of mine.

Batman Family 
Dark Angel


Tribal Man

Buffy The Vampire Slayer Logo

I was always fascinated by the logo of one of my favorite television shows, Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Though probably not a font you would want to use writing a paper I feel it works with the show and I love it. 

I even downloaded the font, and wrote my name with it.

Disney Photos

Disney Movies have always had my heart. I love the oldschool way that they drew their characters. So this is my attempt on some disney princesses. 

Sleeping Beauty

Photoshop Rendered Image

I have always loved The Little Mermaid, so I decided to draw her out and then render her with the program Photoshop CS4.
All hand drawn and inked then scanned onto the computer.

Playing around with colors on Photoshop.
Final Product after rendering in Photoshop and using Illustrator.

4 page short story

This was a project I did in highschool. The assignment was to create your own short story comic that would be only 4 pages long. Filled with imagination I jumped right into the project and these were the results. The artwork and the story were all done by myself.




Books of Inspiration

These are some of the best comics I've ever read, and of course I look at them as inspiration for my own comics.
First Born
Batman Hush
Wildstorm Revelations
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - The Long Way Home
Witchblade Origins 
The Magdalena 
Wildstorm- After The Fall

Faux Comic Book Covers

Here are my Faux Comic Covers, never made into actual comics though, just seeing placement and design and how I could create a interesting cover.

Inspirational Pieces to me

Here we have some pieces from my favorite comic book company TopCow all drawn by Artist Kenneth Rocafort, which was always my go to guide for inspiration. 

Early Pieces of Work - by: Me

Robot Girl

Underwear Girl

Woman in a Red Dress


Of Course These are all my earlier pieces of my work when I first started out drawing and just getting a feel for what I wanted to do.